Lunching Shababeek Aden

Aug 15, 2017
Event type
Women Empowerment, Entrepreneurship, Shababeek
Event location
Aden Technical Center
Out going

The Yemeni Organization for Development and Exchange Technology (YODET) is launching the program #Shababeek Aden, the second version of the program after success in the Sana'a version.

The Yemeni Organization for Development and Exchange Technology (YODET) is launching the program # # Shababeek Aden, the second version of the program after success in the Sana'a version.

Shababeek program enables girls ages 17 to 22 to use the Internet effectively to express their skills and abilities across various Internet platforms. The workshops will continue for three days, during which the girls will learn different skills and tools with the help of specialized trainers and mentors.

We invite all girls - who are eligible and who are in Aden exclusively - to register.

Shababeek is a new and important opportunity for girls to enhance their technical capabilities.

For more details, please visit the website and the program page on Facebook.


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